VAT IT TOPP programme logo


Adriaan Basson

Adriaan Basson

The VAT IT article program requires you to take responsibility for your own path. You won’t be given a list of “tick boxes” to do each day. Instead, you are allowed to explore different industries, roles and companies to find what you are best at by rotating between the various businesses in the group. I …

Daniel Riesenburg

Daniel Riesenburg

The TOPP programme at VATIT has really been the most unbelievable exposure to the world of Business and Entrepreneurship. To be exposed to and learn from such dynamic and empowering business leaders as well as to move around the different Business Units within the group and understand the underpinnings of so many different global entities …

Dehan Hay

Dehan Hay

“During my 1.5 years in the articles program at VAT IT, I’ve gained valuable exposure to various facets of business, including finance, sales, and, most importantly, transferable skills like leadership, communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. These skills are not only crucial for success within the company but can also be applied across different roles and industries.If …

Eloise Wilton

Eloise Wilton

“As a second-year articles trainee at VAT IT, I can comfortably say that there is no other programme I would have chosen. In my PGDA (CTA) year I was miserable and uncertain as to whether I wanted to continue along the CA path. When I was presented with the opportunity to complete my articles at …

Kurt Glashagen

Kurt Glashagen

During my articles at VAT IT, I was given multiple opportunities to experience different business units. This exposed me to a level of responsibility and growth that is nearly impossible to find elsewhere. If real business and entrepreneurship excites you, VAT IT is the place to do your articles.

Tarinda Diemont

Tarinda Diemont

Completing my CA(SA) articles at VAT IT has been an incredibly enriching experience. The unique structure of the program, which allows for rotations across different businesses within the group, offers exposure to various industries and roles. This diversity has enabled me to develop a broad range of technical and soft skills, while also learning how …