Adriaan Basson

The VAT IT article program requires you to take responsibility for your own path. You won’t be given a list of “tick boxes” to do each day. Instead, you are allowed to explore different industries, roles and companies to find what you are best at by rotating between the various businesses in the group. I have had the privilege of working directly with senior managers across the group and can testify to their mentality of innovation, constantly looking for the next big idea. Working at VAT IT, you hear about the concept of a meritocracy often. Management shows little regard for age, experience and background, instead focusing on hiring and promoting individuals who work hard and are brilliant at what they do. The program is flexible and growing, offering a personal experience for each trainee. Individuals who have a strong work ethic, are eager to learn and who are willing to be thrown in the deep end will thrive in this environment. The program is small and competitive, which results in a group of trainees who challenge and push each other to achieve at the highest level. I am thankful for the experience VAT IT has given me, and look forward to continuing my career at the company after articles.

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